Our Programs
New Starts for Women provides services to all women 16 years of age and older, with or without dependents, who experience or are at risk of experiencing violence and/or abuse. All women and their dependents will be provided with access to emergency shelter services regardless of their ability, age, class, citizenship/immigration/refugee status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs, ethno-cultural background, First Nation, Metis or Inuit identity, language, mental wellness needs or use of substances
Women's Shelter Program
We provide:
• Basic needs such as food, emergency clothing and personal needs
• Information, advocacy and support services
• Resources and referrals
• Assistance for women in planning and implementing goals and changes in their lives
• Transportation
• Limited child care
• Telephone crisis counselling
• Support groups
• Child witnessing programming
• Safety and protection planning with women
• Community education

Outreach Program
Provides services for women in shelter and in communities:
Advocacy and support for women
Information and referrals to appropriate services, including legal, housing, health & education
Individual peer counselling
Facilitates groups to improve emotional well-being of women
Follow-up services for women who have discharged from shelter
Public education on violence against women
Support to women with food insecurities
Children Programs
When first coming into shelter your child may seem shy and afraid or become very active. Both are very common. Bedtimes are set for certain times to give moms quiet time to relax and talk with other moms after the children have fallen asleep. Sleep patterns may temporarily change, whether they are sleeping a lot more or have a difficult time falling or staying asleep. It will take most children a few days to become used to the rules and routines in the shelter.
We can help with:
Registering your child for School
Referrals to community partners for medical, physical and mental health supports

Ten Sisters Transitional Housing
Ten Sisters Transitional Housing is a joint project between New Starts for Women Inc., and the Kenora District Services Board. Ten Sisters provides safe housing to all women 16 years of age and older, with or without dependents, who have experienced or are at risk of experiencing violence and/or abuse, for up to 24 months.
What is Ten Sisters Transitional Housing?
Ten Sisters Transitional Housing is a two-year program that provides housing, in conjunction with transitional assistance and support services, geared at reducing the effect of abuse clients experienced in domestic violence situations. Ten Sisters is a partnership between Kenora District Services Board (KDSB) the owner/operator and New Starts for Women Inc., who provide the programming for participants.
About the Property
Ten Sisters Transitional Housing offers 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom units, including some accessible units. Each unit comes equipped with a fridge and stove. An indoor common room allows for on-site support groups and may be used by all residents. There is also an indoor play room for children with group activities. Laundry facilities are located on the bottom floor, and a safe outdoor area for resident activities is provided.
All visitors must be approved by the THSP Worker. There are security cameras monitored by shelter staff to ensue the safety of all TenSisters tenants. There are visiting hours for approved guests.
Affordable Rent
The rental units in Ten Sisters are allocated as affordable rental units. Participants are eligible for a rent subsidy through KDSB. This 2 year transitional housing program falls outside of the landlord and tenant act due to the nature of the program.
Ten Sisters staff is there to support you.
Transitional Housing Support Worker
Complete all programs applications, helps you create individual program goals, meets with you on a regular basis to discuss goals, facilitates participant group meetings and provides tenant support. The THSP also works with clients of the shelter and provides community outreach.
Ten Sisters Peer Support
Works with program participants to facilitate programs for women and children. Able to meet with women on a one on one basis as required. Create monthly calendar of activities, events and help participants settle into the building and community.
Resident Meetings
Resident meetings are usually held once a month to discuss items of business related to the TenSisters Community. However, special guests from other service agencies may be invited to attend. Attendance is mandatory.
Transition Plans
We will meet and work with you on a regular basis to help you with your individual transition plan. Service providers from our community partners can be invited in to work with you, provide presentations and offer supports to participants. Meeting and workshop space is available when scheduled through Ten Sisters staff.
Who's Eligible
Must currently be receiving services from New Starts for Women Inc., or be referred by an outside agency and willing to accept and participate in the programs of Ten Sisters and New Starts for Women Inc.
Must self-identify as female, with or without children, to receive service.
Must be willing to commit to New Starts for Women Inc.’s confidentiality Policy.
Contact Ten Sisters Transitional Housing
Call 1-807-727-2820 (Local)
Toll Free 1-800-565-5368 (Crisis Line)
Shelter Life
New Starts Women’s Shelter provides a safe and comfortable space for you and your children to heal and work on the next steps that are best for you.
Upon arrival you will be welcomed by our staff and housed in a large building where many families live. You will be asked to put your belongings into clear plastic bags as part of our bed bug policy.
You will be provided with food, linens and towels and introduced to your own private room with a bed, dresser, closet space and bathroom.
You and your children will receive support during this difficult transition and allow you to settle in to your new safe space.
Throughout your stay you will have:
Your own private room and bathroom
A clean environment
Outside playground
Laundry facilities
Communal living environment, where you will be requested to participate in chores
A cook that prepares a daily dinner
Access to culturally specific food
Culturally appropriate programming
Access to interpretive services
Access to a support worker 24 / 7
The opportunity to tell us your story in a safe and supportive space
You will be able to identify your immediate needs, and goals
Support to register your child in school or daycare
Support to apply for housing
Information about your legal and housing rights
Support to apply for custody
Appropriate referrals to community agencies
The option to participate in groups held at the shelter (client meetings, skill exchange meetings, women’s support group)