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24 Hour Crisis & Admissions Line Toll Free:
Red Lake Local:
Our email is monitored every day, 7 days a week​​​​​​
Safety Planning
Are you being abused and planning to leave? Consider these action items in your planning:
Do not tell your partner that you are thinking of leaving
When you do leave, make a plan to bring your children with you
Plan your emergency exits
Open a bank account in your name or in the name of a person you trust. Make sure bank statements are not mailed to your home
Hide extra clothing, house keys, car keys, money etc. at a trusted friend's house
Save as much cash as you can and set money aside for taxis, phone cards or pay phones
Items to pack:
Prescription medications for you and your children
Keep emergency phone numbers with you at all times
Keep an address book of trusted friends / family
Small valuables that you can sell if needed
Have an emergency suitcase packed, if possible store it in a safe place outside of the home
Include some special toys and comforts for your children
Irreplaceable and sentimental items
Important documents to pack:
Marriage certificates
Immigration papers
SIN cards
Bank cards
Banking information
Status Cards
Health cards
Birth certificates
Driver's license
Legal documents to pack:
Divorce papers
Order of protection papers
Restraining orders
Custody papers
If possible, bring documents that prove you have been living at the same address as your partner
Lease or rental agreement, house deed, etc.
Leaving the Home
Trust your instinct and judgements to keep you and your children safe.
Where is the abuser? Inside or outside the home?
Where are the children? Inside or outside the home? If they are not at home, make arrangements for pick up
Identify which doors, windows, elevators or stairs will be safe and easily accessible
Have a packed bag ready. Keep it in an accessible place in order to leave quickly
Transportation: Do you have a car, is there enough gas in the car? Can you get a ride? Are you taking a bus? Do you have money for a taxi?
If it is unsafe to wait for a taxi in your home, go to a neighbour's house or a close public area like a store or coffee shop.
You can contact us 7 days a week, 24 hours a day to speak with someone who will listen to you and provide important information and resources to meet your immediate needs.
Community Contact Numbers for Area First Nation Communities
CAT LAKE: 807-347-2099
DEER LAKE: 807-775-9954 (RADIO)
KEEWAYWIN: 807-771-1177
NORTH SPIRIT LAKE: 807-776-0025
PIKANGIKUM OPP: 807-773-5007
POPLAR HILL: 807-772-1030
SANDY LAKE: 807-774-4471
NAPS COM CENTRE: 1-888-310-1133
CAT LAKE: 807-347-2110
DEER LAKE: 807-775-2054
KEEWAYWIN: 807-771-1407
NORTH SPIRIT LAKE: 807-776-00019
PIKANGIKUM: 807-773-5550
POPLAR HILL: 807-772-8892
SANDY LAKE: 807-774-3461
Crisis Call Referrals
Sexual Assault
Sexual Assault Crisis Response:
Aboriginal Talk 4 Healing: 1-855-554-4325
Kenora Sexual Assault: 1-800-565-6161
or 1-807-468-7233 (or New Starts)
Kenora Victim Services: 1-877-467-2815
Thunder Bay Sexual Assault: 1-866-311-5927
Community Counselling: 1-807-727-1100
Family Health Team (counselor):
Nishnawbe-Aski Police Sioux Lookout:
Sioux Lookout Sexual Assault & Counselling Centre - 24 Hour Crisis Line toll free:
Crisis Text Line: 1-807-738-1535
Separation, Custody & Legal
Kenora Legal Aid: 1-807-468-6722
New Starts:
1-800-565-5368 or 1-807-727-3303
Nishnawbe-Aski Legal Services:
Victim Witness (VCARS): 1-877-467-2815
Mental Wellness Supports
Suicide Crisis Help Line: 988
Crisis Response: 1-866-888-8988
Red Lake Community Counselling:
Nan Hope: 1-844-626-4673
Talk 4 Healing: 1-888-200-9997
Kids Help Phone:
1-800-668-6868 or Text 686868
Housing & Income Supports
Kenora District Services Board:
Red Lake Ontario Works (KDSB):
1-888-767-2038 or 807-727-2312
Ontario Aboriginal Housing: 1-866-391-1064​
Interpreting Services (Kenora):